lv_all - All fields in this section.
lv_uuid - Unique identifier.
lv_name - Name. LVs created for internal use are enclosed in brackets.
lv_path - Full pathname for LV.
lv_attr - Various attributes - see man page.
lv_major - Persistent major number or -1 if not persistent.
lv_minor - Persistent minor number or -1 if not persistent.
lv_read_ahead - Read ahead setting in current units.
lv_kernel_major - Currently assigned major number or -1 if LV is not active.
lv_kernel_minor - Currently assigned minor number or -1 if LV is not active.
lv_kernel_read_ahead - Currently-in-use read ahead setting in current units.
lv_size - Size of LV in current units.
seg_count - Number of segments in LV.
origin - For snapshots, the origin device of this LV.
origin_size - For snapshots, the size of the origin device of this LV.
snap_percent - For snapshots, the percentage full if LV is active.
copy_percent - For mirrors and pvmove, current percentage in-sync.
move_pv - For pvmove, Source PV of temporary LV created by pvmove.
convert_lv - For lvconvert, Name of temporary LV created by lvconvert.
lv_tags - Tags, if any.
mirror_log - For mirrors, the LV holding the synchronisation log.
modules - Kernel device-mapper modules required for this LV.
4.2 pvs 字段
pv_all - All fields in this section.
pe_start - Offset to the start of data on the underlying device.
pv_size - Size of PV in current units.
pv_free - Total amount of unallocated space in current units.
pv_used - Total amount of allocated space in current units.
pv_attr - Various attributes - see man page.
pv_pe_count - Total number of Physical Extents.
pv_pe_alloc_count - Total number of allocated Physical Extents.
pv_tags - Tags, if any.
pv_mda_count - Number of metadata areas on this device.
pv_mda_used_count - Number of metadata areas in use on this device.
4.3 vgs 字段
vg_all - All fields in this section.
vg_fmt - Type of metadata.
vg_uuid - Unique identifier.
vg_name - Name.
vg_attr - Various attributes - see man page.
vg_size - Total size of VG in current units.
vg_free - Total amount of free space in current units.
vg_sysid - System ID indicating when and where it was created.
vg_extent_size - Size of Physical Extents in current units.
vg_extent_count - Total number of Physical Extents.
vg_free_count - Total number of unallocated Physical Extents.
max_lv - Maximum number of LVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.
max_pv - Maximum number of PVs allowed in VG or 0 if unlimited.
pv_count - Number of PVs.
lv_count - Number of LVs.
snap_count - Number of snapshots.
vg_seqno - Revision number of internal metadata. Incremented whenever it changes.
vg_tags - Tags, if any.
vg_mda_count - Number of metadata areas on this VG.
vg_mda_used_count - Number of metadata areas in use on this VG.
vg_mda_free - Free metadata area space for this VG in current units.
vg_mda_size - Size of smallest metadata area for this VG in current units.
vg_mda_copies - Target number of in use metadata areas in the VG.
Move all physical extents that are used by simple LVs on the specified PV to free physical extents elsewhere in the VG.
pvmove /dev/sdb1
Use a specific destination PV when moving physical extents.
pvmove /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
Move extents belonging to a single LV.
pvmove -n lvol1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
Rather than moving the contents of an entire device, it is possible to move a range of physical extents, for example numbers 1000 to 1999 inclusive on the specified PV.
pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999
A range of physical extents to move can be specified as start+length. For example, starting from PE 1000. (Counting starts from 0, so this refers to the 1001st to the 2000th PE inclusive.)
pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000+1000
Move a range of physical extents to a specific PV (which must have sufficient free extents).
pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1
Move a range of physical extents to specific new extents on a new PV.
pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1:0-999
If the source and destination are on the same disk, the anywhere allocation policy is needed.
pvmove --alloc anywhere /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdb1:0-999
The part of a specific LV present within in a range of physical extents can also be picked out and moved.
pvmove -n lvol1 /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1